Audit, development, effectiveness, public sector, Supreme Audit InstitutionAbstract
Public sector audit has an important role in development by improving transparency and accountability of state finance management. It is observed, however, that many development programs do not meet their objectives. It indicates that the current public sector audit has not been adequate to promote development program effectiveness. The objective of this research is to confirm whether the current public sector audit approach is not adequate to promote development program effectiveness and what additional roles are expected to be fulfilled by public sector audit. This study is based on the Indonesian context and uses a qualitative methodology where 27 semi-structured interviews were conducted to Member of Parliament and officials of the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) and government entities in Indonesia. The study shows that the existing public sector audit has not been adequate to promote development program effectiveness because it pays more attention to financial and compliance aspects of the development program. Moreover, it also focuses on a completed development program. Stakeholders expect that public sector audit also needs to provide the solution, provide preventive measures, create a good environment and produce useful information for decision making.References
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Akbar, B., & Djazuli, A. (2015). Financial audit and people’s welfare study in Badung, Tabanan Regions and City of Denpasar Year of 2013. Jurnal Tata Kelola & Akuntabilitas Keuangan Negara, 1(1), 1-19. doi: 10.28986/ jtaken.v1i1.9
Arens, A. A., Elder, R. J., Beasley, M. S., & Hogan, C. (2014). Auditing and assurance services: an integrated approach (15th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
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BPK RI. (2010). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) I Tahun 2010 (Summary of Semester Audit Results I Year 2010). Retrieved from https://
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BPK RI. (2017b). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) I Tahun 2017 (Summary of Semester Audit Results I Year 2017). Retrieved from https://
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BPK RI. (2019a). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) II Tahun 2018 (Summary of Semester Audit Results II Year 2018). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2019b). Peer review report on the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta: BPK RI.
Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
Brétéché, B., & Swarbrick, A. (2017). Developing effective working relationships between supreme audit institutions and parliaments. SIGMA Papers No. 54.
Bringselius, L. (2015). In the absence of a public accounts committee: the Swedish experience. In Z. Hoque (Ed.), Making Governments Accountable. London: Routledge.
Bryman, A. (2008). Social research methods (3rd ed.). London: Oxford University Press.
Charles, B. K., & Oluoch, O. (2017). Determinants of the effectiveness of the auditor general in kenya in public financial management oversight. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 4(2), 98 – 112.
Daujotaite, D., & Macerinskiene, I. (2008). Development of performance audit in public sector. Paper presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference Business and Management, Vilnius, Lithuania.
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Dellaportas, S., Gibson, K., Alagiah, R., Hutchinson, M., Leung, P., & Van Homrigh, D. (2005). Ethics, governance & accountability, a professional perspective. Brisbane: JohnWiley & Sons Australia Ltd.
Domokos, L., Pulay, G., Pályi, K., Németh, E., & Mészáros, L. (2016). Supreme Audit Institutions’ contribution to good governance: Study series No 1. Hungary: State Audit Office of Hungary.
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Gustavson, M. (2015). Does good auditing generate quality of government? QoG Working Paper Series.
Harding, J. (2013). Qualitative data analysis: from start to finish. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Ijeoma, N. B., & Nwufo, C. I. (2015). Impediments of the audit function in the public sector: a critical analysis of the constraints of Auditor-General for the Federation of Nigeria. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3(1).
INTOSAI. (1977). ISSAI 1 The Lima Declaration. Vienna: INTOSAI.
INTOSAI. (2001). Independence of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) project: final task force report. Vienna: INTOSAI.
INTOSAI. (2010). ISSAI 20—Principles of transparency and accountability. Vienna: INTOSAI.
INTOSAI. (2013a). ISSAI 12 - the value and Benefits of Supreme Audit Institutions – making a difference to the lives of citizens. Vienna: INTOSAI
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Jesus, M. A. J., & Eirado, J. S. B. (2012). Relevance of accounting information to public sector accountability: a study of Brazilian federal public universities. Tekhne-Review of Applied Management Studies, 10(2), 87-98.
Kaya, L. G., & Coskun, A. (2017). Enhancing accountability for making cities resilient and role of Supreme Audit Institutions. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(19), 445-456.
Ling, T., & Dijk, L. V. v. (2009). Performance audit handbook: routes to effective evaluation RAND. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation.
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Masood, A., & Afzal, M. (2016). Determinants of audit quality in Pakistan. Journal of Quality and Technology Management, 12(2), 25 – 49.
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Meier, A., Boivin, M., & Meier, M. (2008). Theme-analysis: procedures and application for psychotherapy research. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 5(4), 289–310.
Nagy, S. (2012). The role of Supreme Audit Institutions in fight against the consequences of financial and economic crisis: a theoretical approach. Paper presented at the Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Szeged, University of Szeged.
Nagy, S. (2015). Supreme audit institutions and new aspects for public value creation in complex adaptive systems. In E. Hetesi & Z.
Vas (Eds.), New Ideas in a Changing World of Business Management and Marketing: University of Szeged.
Ngulube, P. (2015). Qualitative data analysis and interpretation: systematic search for meaning. Noordywk: Mosala-MASEDI Publishers & Booksellers.
Nurhasanah. (2016). Effectiveness of internal control, internal audit, characteristics of the institution and corruption cases (an empirical study in the ministries / institution). Jurnal Tata Kelola & Akuntabilitas Keuangan Negara, 2(1), 27-48. doi: 10.28986/ jtaken.v2i1.35
OECD. (2011). Good practices in supporting supreme audit institutions. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Otalor, J. I., & Eiya, O. (2013). Combating corruption in Nigeria: the role of the public sector auditor. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(4).
Prabowo, T. J. W., Leung, P., & Guthrie, J. (2017). Reforms in public sector accounting and budgeting in Indonesia (2003-2015): confusions in implementation. J. of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 29(1), 104-137.
Pramono, A. J. (2016). Analysis of influencing factors of the audit board of republic Indonesia’s roles and capabilities transformation. Jurnal Tata Kelola & Akuntabilitas Keuangan Negara, 2(2), 175 – 193. doi: 10.28986/ jtaken.v2i2.63
Raaum, R. B., & Morgan, S. L. (2009). Performance auditing: a measurement approach. New York: The Institute of Internal Auditor Research Foundation.
Ramírez, J. A. O., & Pérez, J. A. C. (2016). Impact of supreme audit institutions on the phenomenon of corruption: an international empirical analysis. Journal of Public Governance and Policy: Latin American Review, 2(3).
Raudla, R., Taro, K., Agu, C., & Douglas, J. W. (2015). The impact of performance audit on public sector organizations: the case of Estonia. Public Organization Review, 16(2), 217-233.
Reichborn-Kjennerud, K., Carrington, T., Gonzales, B., & Klarskov, K. (2015). Supreme audit institutions’ role in fighting corruption: a comparative study between SAIs with different institutional and public administrative structures and cultures. Paper presented at the IRSPM workshop Birmingham, Great Britain.
Reichborn-Kjennerud, K., & Vabo, S. I. (2017). Performance audit as a contributor to change and improvement in public administration. Evaluation, 23(1), 6-23.
Riddell, R. (2004). Sustainable urban planning: tipping the balance. Malden: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Rios, A. M., Bastida, F., & Benito, B. (2016). Budget transparency and legislative budgetary oversight: an international approach. American Review of Public Administration, 46(5), 546–568.
Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., Nicholls, C. M., & Ormston, R. (2013). Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Schultz, D. E. J., & Brown, R. E. (2003). Performance auditing in Ohio: a customer service orientation. Journal of Government Financial Management.
Suartama, I. K., Nurdin, S., & Susilo, F. S. B. P. (2015). Enhancing BPK RI’s audit design for people’s welfare: a practical approach. Jurnal Tata Kelola & Akuntabilitas Keuangan Negara, 1(2), 173190. doi:10.28986/ jtaken.v1i2.25.
The JakartaPost. (2016, March 19, 2016). Jokowi orders study into graft-tainted Hambalang project. The Jakarta Post.
Vaismoradi, M., Turunen, H., & Bondas, T. (2013). Content analysis and thematic analysis: implications for conducting a qualitative descriptive study. Nursing and Health Sciences, 15, 398–405.
Waring, C. G., & Morgan, S. L. (2007). Public sector performance auditing in developing countries. Washington DC: The World Bank.
Wibowo, A., Jusoh, H., Ahmad, H., & Malek, J. A. (2018). Developmental audit design on low cost housing (Rusunawa) program in Indonesia: Identification of Rusunawa program components. Paper presented at the ICOSH-UKM 2018 The 7th International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Wibowo, A., Jusoh, H., Ahmad, H., & Malek, J. b. A. (2016). Developmental audit: toward a new role of public sector auditing in development. Journal of Built Environment, Technology and Engineering, 1(1), 25-35.
Wilhelm, V., & Fiestas, I. (2005). Exploring the link between public spending and poverty eduction: lessons from the 90s. The World Bank Institute Working Paper. Retrieved from _FINAL_with_cover.pdf
World Bank. (2012). Targeting poor and vulnerable households in Indonesia. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
Agbo, S., & Aruomoaghe, J. A. (2014). Performance audit: a tool for fighting corruption in the Nigeria’s public sector administration. International Journal of Management and Sustainability, 3(6), 374-383.
Akbar, B., & Djazuli, A. (2015). Financial audit and people’s welfare study in Badung, Tabanan Regions and City of Denpasar Year of 2013. Jurnal Tata Kelola & Akuntabilitas Keuangan Negara, 1(1), 1-19. doi: 10.28986/ jtaken.v1i1.9
Arens, A. A., Elder, R. J., Beasley, M. S., & Hogan, C. (2014). Auditing and assurance services: an integrated approach (15th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
Asaolu, T. O., Adedokun, S. A., & Monday, J. U. (2016). Promoting good governance through internal audit function (IAF): the Nigerian experience. International Business Research, 9(5), 196-204.
Badamdorj, B. (2010). Some thoughts on the role of government auditing. Asian Journal of Government Audit, 2010(2), 26-29.
Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Social science research-principles methods and practices. Tampa, Florida: University of South Florida Scholar Commons.
Bowen, G. A. (2005). Preparing a qualitative research-based dissertation: lessons learned. The Qualitative Report, 10(2).
BPK RI. (2010). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) I Tahun 2010 (Summary of Semester Audit Results I Year 2010). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2011a). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) II Tahun 2010 (Summary of Semester Audit Results II Year 2010). Retrieved from
BPK RI. (2011b). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) I Tahun 2011 (Summary of Semester Audit Results I Year 2011). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2012a). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) II Tahun 2011 (Summary of Semester Audit Results II Year 2011). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2012b). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) I Tahun 2012 (Summary of Semester Audit Results I Year 2012). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2013a). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) II Tahun 2012 (Summary of Semester Audit Results II Year 2012). Retrieved from
BPK RI. (2013b). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) I Tahun 2013 (Summary of Semester Audit Results I Year 2013). Retrieved from: https://
BPK RI. (2014a). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) II Tahun 2013 (Summary of Semester Audit Results II Year 2013). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2014b). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) I Tahun 2014 (Summary of Semester Audit Results I Year 2014). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2015a). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) II Tahun 2014 (Summary of Semester Audit Results II Year 2014). Retrieved from
BPK RI. (2015b). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) I Tahun 2015 (Summary of Semester Audit Results I Year 2015). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2016a). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) II Tahun 2015 (Summary of Semester Audit Results II Year 2015). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2016b). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) I Tahun 2016 (Summary of Semester Audit Results I Year 2016). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2017a). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) II Tahun 2016 (Summary of Semester Audit Results II Year 2016). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2017b). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) I Tahun 2017 (Summary of Semester Audit Results I Year 2017). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2018a). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) II Tahun 2017 (Summary of Semester Audit Results II Year 2017). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2018b). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) I Tahun 2018 (Summary of Semester Audit Results I Year 2018). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2019a). Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) II Tahun 2018 (Summary of Semester Audit Results II Year 2018). Retrieved from https://
BPK RI. (2019b). Peer review report on the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta: BPK RI.
Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
Brétéché, B., & Swarbrick, A. (2017). Developing effective working relationships between supreme audit institutions and parliaments. SIGMA Papers No. 54.
Bringselius, L. (2015). In the absence of a public accounts committee: the Swedish experience. In Z. Hoque (Ed.), Making Governments Accountable. London: Routledge.
Bryman, A. (2008). Social research methods (3rd ed.). London: Oxford University Press.
Charles, B. K., & Oluoch, O. (2017). Determinants of the effectiveness of the auditor general in kenya in public financial management oversight. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 4(2), 98 – 112.
Daujotaite, D., & Macerinskiene, I. (2008). Development of performance audit in public sector. Paper presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference Business and Management, Vilnius, Lithuania.
David, R. (2017). Contribution of records management to audit opinions and accountability in government. South African Journal of Information Management, 19(1), 771-784.
Dellaportas, S., Gibson, K., Alagiah, R., Hutchinson, M., Leung, P., & Van Homrigh, D. (2005). Ethics, governance & accountability, a professional perspective. Brisbane: JohnWiley & Sons Australia Ltd.
Domokos, L., Pulay, G., Pályi, K., Németh, E., & Mészáros, L. (2016). Supreme Audit Institutions’ contribution to good governance: Study series No 1. Hungary: State Audit Office of Hungary.
Farwati, R. (2012). Pro-poor growth: does it work in Indonesia? Institute of Social Studies.
Flick, U. (2009). An introduction to qualitative research (4th ed.): SAGE Publications Ltd.
Funnell, W., Wade, M., & Jupe, R. (2016). Stakeholder perceptions of performance audit credibility. Accounting and Business Research, 46(6), 601-619.
Gustavson, M. (2015). Does good auditing generate quality of government? QoG Working Paper Series.
Harding, J. (2013). Qualitative data analysis: from start to finish. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Ijeoma, N. B., & Nwufo, C. I. (2015). Impediments of the audit function in the public sector: a critical analysis of the constraints of Auditor-General for the Federation of Nigeria. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3(1).
INTOSAI. (1977). ISSAI 1 The Lima Declaration. Vienna: INTOSAI.
INTOSAI. (2001). Independence of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) project: final task force report. Vienna: INTOSAI.
INTOSAI. (2010). ISSAI 20—Principles of transparency and accountability. Vienna: INTOSAI.
INTOSAI. (2013a). ISSAI 12 - the value and Benefits of Supreme Audit Institutions – making a difference to the lives of citizens. Vienna: INTOSAI
INTOSAI. (2013b). ISSAI 100— Fundamental principles of public sector auditing. Vienna: INTOSAI.
Ittonen, K. (2010). A theoretical examination of the role of auditing and the relevance of audit reports. Proceedings of the University of Vaasa.
Jesus, M. A. J., & Eirado, J. S. B. (2012). Relevance of accounting information to public sector accountability: a study of Brazilian federal public universities. Tekhne-Review of Applied Management Studies, 10(2), 87-98.
Kaya, L. G., & Coskun, A. (2017). Enhancing accountability for making cities resilient and role of Supreme Audit Institutions. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(19), 445-456.
Ling, T., & Dijk, L. V. v. (2009). Performance audit handbook: routes to effective evaluation RAND. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation.
Lungeanu, E. (2015). Considerations regarding the external public audit of reimbursable funds. Procedia Economics and Finance, 20, 358–364.
Madison, K. J. (2014). Agency theory and stewardship theory integrated, expanded, and bounded by context: an empirical investigation of structure, behavior and performance within family firms. (Ph.D), University of Tennessee.
Mamidu, A. I., Balogun, A., & Abilogun, T. O. (2015). Supreme Audit Institutions and public financial accountability in Nigeria: matters arising. Journal of educational research in Natural and social sciences, 1(1).
Masood, A., & Afzal, M. (2016). Determinants of audit quality in Pakistan. Journal of Quality and Technology Management, 12(2), 25 – 49.
Masood, A., & Lodhi, R. N. (2015). Factors affecting the success of government audits: a case study of Pakistan. Universal Journal of Management, 3(2), 52-62.
Matendera, K. H. (2013). A survey of factors affecting public audit institutions performance- The Case of Kenya National Audit Office. Retrieved from
Meier, A., Boivin, M., & Meier, M. (2008). Theme-analysis: procedures and application for psychotherapy research. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 5(4), 289–310.
Nagy, S. (2012). The role of Supreme Audit Institutions in fight against the consequences of financial and economic crisis: a theoretical approach. Paper presented at the Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Szeged, University of Szeged.
Nagy, S. (2015). Supreme audit institutions and new aspects for public value creation in complex adaptive systems. In E. Hetesi & Z.
Vas (Eds.), New Ideas in a Changing World of Business Management and Marketing: University of Szeged.
Ngulube, P. (2015). Qualitative data analysis and interpretation: systematic search for meaning. Noordywk: Mosala-MASEDI Publishers & Booksellers.
Nurhasanah. (2016). Effectiveness of internal control, internal audit, characteristics of the institution and corruption cases (an empirical study in the ministries / institution). Jurnal Tata Kelola & Akuntabilitas Keuangan Negara, 2(1), 27-48. doi: 10.28986/ jtaken.v2i1.35
OECD. (2011). Good practices in supporting supreme audit institutions. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Otalor, J. I., & Eiya, O. (2013). Combating corruption in Nigeria: the role of the public sector auditor. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(4).
Prabowo, T. J. W., Leung, P., & Guthrie, J. (2017). Reforms in public sector accounting and budgeting in Indonesia (2003-2015): confusions in implementation. J. of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 29(1), 104-137.
Pramono, A. J. (2016). Analysis of influencing factors of the audit board of republic Indonesia’s roles and capabilities transformation. Jurnal Tata Kelola & Akuntabilitas Keuangan Negara, 2(2), 175 – 193. doi: 10.28986/ jtaken.v2i2.63
Raaum, R. B., & Morgan, S. L. (2009). Performance auditing: a measurement approach. New York: The Institute of Internal Auditor Research Foundation.
Ramírez, J. A. O., & Pérez, J. A. C. (2016). Impact of supreme audit institutions on the phenomenon of corruption: an international empirical analysis. Journal of Public Governance and Policy: Latin American Review, 2(3).
Raudla, R., Taro, K., Agu, C., & Douglas, J. W. (2015). The impact of performance audit on public sector organizations: the case of Estonia. Public Organization Review, 16(2), 217-233.
Reichborn-Kjennerud, K., Carrington, T., Gonzales, B., & Klarskov, K. (2015). Supreme audit institutions’ role in fighting corruption: a comparative study between SAIs with different institutional and public administrative structures and cultures. Paper presented at the IRSPM workshop Birmingham, Great Britain.
Reichborn-Kjennerud, K., & Vabo, S. I. (2017). Performance audit as a contributor to change and improvement in public administration. Evaluation, 23(1), 6-23.
Riddell, R. (2004). Sustainable urban planning: tipping the balance. Malden: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Rios, A. M., Bastida, F., & Benito, B. (2016). Budget transparency and legislative budgetary oversight: an international approach. American Review of Public Administration, 46(5), 546–568.
Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., Nicholls, C. M., & Ormston, R. (2013). Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Schultz, D. E. J., & Brown, R. E. (2003). Performance auditing in Ohio: a customer service orientation. Journal of Government Financial Management.
Suartama, I. K., Nurdin, S., & Susilo, F. S. B. P. (2015). Enhancing BPK RI’s audit design for people’s welfare: a practical approach. Jurnal Tata Kelola & Akuntabilitas Keuangan Negara, 1(2), 173190. doi:10.28986/ jtaken.v1i2.25.
The JakartaPost. (2016, March 19, 2016). Jokowi orders study into graft-tainted Hambalang project. The Jakarta Post.
Vaismoradi, M., Turunen, H., & Bondas, T. (2013). Content analysis and thematic analysis: implications for conducting a qualitative descriptive study. Nursing and Health Sciences, 15, 398–405.
Waring, C. G., & Morgan, S. L. (2007). Public sector performance auditing in developing countries. Washington DC: The World Bank.
Wibowo, A., Jusoh, H., Ahmad, H., & Malek, J. A. (2018). Developmental audit design on low cost housing (Rusunawa) program in Indonesia: Identification of Rusunawa program components. Paper presented at the ICOSH-UKM 2018 The 7th International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Wibowo, A., Jusoh, H., Ahmad, H., & Malek, J. b. A. (2016). Developmental audit: toward a new role of public sector auditing in development. Journal of Built Environment, Technology and Engineering, 1(1), 25-35.
Wilhelm, V., & Fiestas, I. (2005). Exploring the link between public spending and poverty eduction: lessons from the 90s. The World Bank Institute Working Paper. Retrieved from _FINAL_with_cover.pdf
World Bank. (2012). Targeting poor and vulnerable households in Indonesia. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
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