Retraction, Withdrawal, and Correction Policy

Retraction Policy

Articles that have been published in Jurnal Tata Kelola dan Akuntabilitas Keuangan Negara (JTAKEN) will remain extant, exact, and unaltered as far as possible. However, certain circumstances can arise where articles that have been published must then be retracted, withdrawn, or even deleted. Retraction is a mechanism for correcting the literature and ensuring its integrity. Articles may be subject to retraction under the following circumstances:

  • When a significant scientific error is identified that would render the article's conclusions invalid. This may occur if there is clear evidence of unreliability in the findings, either due to misconduct (e.g., data fabrication) or an honest mistake (e.g., miscalculation or experimental error).
  • When the findings have been previously published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission, or justification, as in cases of redundant publication.
  • When ethical issues such as plagiarism (i.e., the unauthorized use of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without proper attribution, including confidential review materials) or inappropriate authorship are identified.

A retraction of articles that have been published can be initiated by journal editors, by authors and/or their institutions. In certain cases, the retraction will be accompanied by an apology for the previous mistakes and/or expressions of gratitude to those who revealed the error to the author. Retraction notices will be linked to the retracted article in online versions, published promptly to minimize harm, and freely accessible to all readers. It must state who is retracting the article, the reasons for retraction, and accompanied by a statement that the original article must not be published and that data and conclusions should not be used as a basis for future research.


Withdrawal Policy

The author is not allowed to withdraw the submitted article because the withdrawal is a waste of valuable resources that editors and reviewers spent a great deal of time processing the submitted manuscript and works invested by the publisher. However, the authors could suggest the withdrawal by an official letter signed by the corresponding author, which must be sent to the Editor-in-Chief. if there is no updated progress review information from the JTAKEN side in four months.


Correction Policy

JTAKEN should consider corrections if a small portion of a reliable publication reports incorrect or demonstrably inaccurate data, especially if this is the product of an honest mistake and the list of authors or contributors is incorrect (e.g., a worthy author is omitted or someone who does not meet the author criteria is included).

The decision "whether a correction should be made" is made by the editor of the journal, often with recommendations from members of the Reviewer or Editorial Board. The managing editor will approach the manuscript's author in question with a request for clarification, but the final decision as to "whether a correction is required" and, if so, what form that correction should take rests with the Editor.


In exceedingly rare circumstances, there may be occasions when it becomes necessary to remove a published article from JTAKEN online platform. This course of action will only be contemplated if an article is clearly defamatory, infringes upon the legal rights of others, is under the purview of a court order, or is anticipated to be, or if left unchanged, could pose a substantial health hazard. In such instances, although the article's metadata (including the title and author details) will be retained, its content will be replaced with a notification indicating its removal due to legal considerations.