Types of Manuscript
JTAKEN accepts a wide range of manuscript types:
Research Articles
Research articles present important new research results, including the entire contents of a research project. Quantitative studies include statistical analysis of survey or secondary data, while qualitative studies include case studies, focus groups, interviews, and the like.
Case Studies
A case study reports a single case (generally deemed exciting or unusual). These studies are usually generated by the author’s experience or objective observations. This is a popular form of manuscript among practitioners. The case study must be objective and not promotional. The case should feature a new program approach, best practice, or organizational structure. It should present sufficient references to previous studies of the issue the case is focused on to embed (provide context) for this new case study to build on.
Review Articles
Review articles do not cover original research but accumulate the results of many different articles on a particular topic into a coherent narrative. Review articles provide information about the topic and also provide journal references to the original research. Review articles must be supported by sufficient theory and references from primary sources. This synthesis and summarization of existing research in review articles provide a comprehensive understanding of a particular topic.