The Synergy of the Role of KPK and the Community in Preventing the Corruption of COVID-19’s Social Assistance Fund
Social assistance, corruption, the role of KPK, COVID-19, WhistleblowingAbstract
This study aims to unearth the corrupt practices that occur in the delivery of COVID-19’s social assistance and discover the actions undertaken by KPK and the community in preventing the corruption of COVID-19 social assistance funds. The method used in this study is normative juridical with a statutory study approach and case studies. The method used is a literature study and analyzed using qualitative descriptive. The results of this study indicate that there have been several fraud cases, including corruption of the COVID-19 social assistance. The role of the community in efforts to prevent corruption of the COVID-19 social assistance fund is to supervise and report any irregularities. Meanwhile, the role of KPK is to conduct a whistleblowing system to prevent corruption of COVID-19 social assistance funds. With this research in place, it is expected to optimize the role of the Corruption Eradication Commission and the community in preventing corruption.
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